Reserve a Session

If you are ready to move forward or in need of help to see the way clear please reach out to me here.

Introductory Session
Treat yourself to a full session with Karuana which includes a natal astrological chart interpretation for the “big picture” and a tarot session for current events and insights. Bring your notepad… there’s usually homework! This session lasts approximately 2.5 hours and is especially recommended for first time clients. Cost: $350.00

Current Events
Focus on current events. Combine the gifts of the Tarot with Karuana’s life strategy exercises to clear your energy and refocus yourself on your goals. This session lasts approximately 2 hours. Cost: $275.00

Natal Astrological Chart
Gain direction in your overall skills, talents and challenges with a focused reading on your natal astrological chart. This session lasts approximately 1.5 hrs. Cost: $175.00

Couples Session
Get connected on a spiritual level in your relationship. Couples sessions are a moving way to stay connected to your partner in a safe and open environment. Clear obstacles, gain neutrality and listening skills, and empower your relationship to flourish in our hectic environments. This session includes a combined astrological chart for your relationship and a tarot spread for current issues. This 360 degree spiritual alignment takes approximately 3 hours. Cost: $375.00

Commitment Ceremony
Design your own committment ceremony that reflects your universal spiritual beliefs. This ceremony includes pre-committment couples session to ensure your relationship is in alignment on all levels. Cost: 225.00

End of Life – Circle of Remembrance
Saying goodbye to a loved one is a difficult time. Ease this process by having a traditional Circle of Remembrance ceremony to honor the person who has left this world. This spiritual but non-denominational ceremony focuses on honoring the life of the person and providing comfort for those remaining. Partnership with other spiritual traditions is welcome. Cost: Travel expenses only. No charge for ceremony or preparation.

Payment arrangements can be made for any session.